Bryant Park Puzzles
Crosswords are now available for free from all four of our Bryant Park Reading Room Coffee & Crosswords tournaments, in PDF packets (2019, 2018, and 2016/2017). All of our Bryant Park puzzles are by Mike Shenk. We ask that in lieu of payment you "pay it forward," helping others at this difficult time in whatever way you can, with your money or your time.
Puzzles From 2019
Five 15-by-15 crosswords and answers from our 2019 tournament: One warm-up puzzle, three tournament puzzles, and the final championship puzzle.
Puzzles From 2018
Five 15-by-15 crosswords and answers from our 2018 tournament: One warm-up puzzle, three tournament puzzles, and the final championship puzzle.
Puzzles From 2016 & 2017
Eight 15-by-15 crosswords and answers.
• From 2016: Three tournament puzzles
• From 2017: One warm-up puzzle, three tournament puzzles, and the final championship puzzle